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Home 2024 Sheriff Weekly Moves to Stage 1 Fire Restrictions in Douglas County

Sheriff Weekly Moves to Stage 1 Fire Restrictions in Douglas County

Sheriff Weekly has ordered Fire Restrictions in Douglas County to be moved to Stage 1, effective 10/31/2024.
Stage 1 means NO open burning and no fireworks (including the use of model rockets). Violation of these fire restrictions is a Class-2 Petty Offense, punishable by up to a $1000.00 fine and a $10.00 surcharge.
Allowable Activities are fires within liquid fuel or gas stoves, grills, fire pits, or liquid-fueled or gas appliances, and small recreational fires at developed picnic or campground sites in fixed permanent metal or steel fire rings (rock fire rings are considered temporary and are NOT permanent).
stage 1 fire restrictions (4)
stage 1 fire restrictions (4)



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