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Home 2018 Deputy Parrish Media Specific Information

Deputy Parrish Media Specific Information

Media Specific Information:

  • All agencies will be governed by the family’s wishes which will be strictly enforced. Any violation of the family’s wishes will be promptly policed and you will be required to leave.
  • There will be two pool cameras (provided by Channel 9) on the Cherry Hills Community Church property. One pool camera will be stationary inside the service at the back of the room facing forward with only minor adjustments allowed for framing and focus on the stage. The second pool camera will be located near the entrance to the church in a position allowing ceremonial and processional viewing. The family has very clearly stated that they do not want their faces recorded at any point of the service to include the procession and entering the church.
  • Media vehicle staging (parking) will be In the Valor High School parking lot located between the football field and soccer field (displayed in yellow on the attached map) across the street from Cherry Hills Community Church. The only way that you will be allowed to access the appropriate lot is turning South on Teal Ridge Ct. from S. University Blvd (again highlighted in yellow). Your media vehicles must be in the lot by 8:00am due to road closures. The pool van/truck will be the only allowed into the Cherry Hills Community Church Parking Lot and will be in an area designated prior to the event.  We have secured port-o-lets for the media staging parking lot for your convenience.
  • There will be a media briefing at 8:30am in the Media vehicle staging area mentioned above.
  • Media cameras (other than the pool cameras) will only be allowed to stage along the sidewalks of Grace Blvd. keeping the driveway/entrance to Cherry Hills Community Church completely clear. (Again, please understand that this is per the family’s wishes).
  • Please do not focus on the interior of the lead vehicles (particularly the first patrol vehicle behind the hearse) in the procession to comply with the family’s wishes to not have their faces shown on camera.
  • You will have very limited visibility of the church front from the sidewalk along Grace Blvd. (warranting the pool camera), you are welcome to use a boom pole from staging or along Grace Blvd. if you have that resource available. Unmanned Aircraft Systems (drones) are prohibited.
  • Reporters will be allowed to enter the ceremony, but will be limited to a pen and notepad. Video and/or audio recording using cell phones or other devices will not be permitted per the family’s wishes. If you bring any bags, they must be clear/see through following the same protocols as the public. As a reminder, any violation of these protocols will result in being asked to leave.



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