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Records Fees and Costs

The fees have been established under the law to pay for research, redaction and copying. These fees exclude those set in CRS 24-72-306.

The following fees have been established to offset the actual costs for releasing records, and photographs, duplicating evidence, and researching requests by all personnel involved.   Fees shall be posted at the public assistance counter located at the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office. All research fees and/or redaction fees will be estimated and collected before the research or redaction   starts.   If the citizen refuses to pay in advance, the records/videos/audio documents/discs will not be provided.

Who does not have to pay? 

  • Victim of a cime who wants a copy of their own report.
  • Military recruiters checking backgrounds on recruits.
  • Law enforcement and criminal justice agencies.
  • Victim of an accident (individuals who were not charged for causing the accident).
  • Victims or family members for accidents where serious bodily injury or a fatality occured.
Fee for research, retrieval of reports and audio/video, redaction and preparation of records for release
$41.37 per hour

$0.25 - Cost of b/w copies per page
$1.00 - Cost of color copies per page
$0.25 - Cost of electronic copy on CD per disc
$0.25 - Cost of electronic copy on DVD per disc
$1.25 - Cost of electronic copy on Blu-ray per disc
$5.00 - $15.00 - Cost of USB Flash Drive
$100.00 - Cost of External Hard drive
$2.00 - Cost of mailing CD, DVD, or Blu-ray per disc
$2.25 - Cost of mailing envelope for CD, DVD, or Blu-ray per envelope


Not public notary - Sheriff's Office Documents only.

Sex Offender List

Must request in person, show a picture ID and complete request forms.

Copy of Traffic Ticket
$5.00 ea

(Includes fee for personnel cost, equipment cost, research, retrieval and redaction for 15 minutes.), Front and back only (not including any attachments) If the research last longer than 15 minutes the $41.37 per hour fee will apply to the ticket release fee.

CAD (Computer Aided Dispatch) Printout
$1.00 per page
Field Interview Cards
$1.00 ea
Mug Photo / Photograph
$2.00 ea
Criminal History / Background Check Letter
See Below

$10.00 - Up to 2 letters
$5.00 - 3rd copy (for notary)

Sex Offender Registration
See Below

$25.00 - Annual
$5.00 - Quarterly

Concealed Handgun Permit
See Below

$152.50 - Initial Application Fee - this fee includes the CBI's fingerprinting processing fee and all Sheriff's fees and costs.
$63.00 - Permit Renewals
$5.00 - Notary (if needed)

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