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Sheriff Weekly Announces Support for Public Safety Initiatives


(Douglas County, CO) – Douglas County Sheriff Darren Weekly joined five major statewide public safety organizations, and current and former law enforcement leaders, to announce their support for ballot initiatives – “Truth In Sentencing” and “Back The Blue” – that will help reduce Colorado’s high crime rate and make the state safer. The two public safety measures will appear on this year’s general election ballot.

Truth In Sentencing (Proposition 128) which would require the state’s most violent criminals to serve 85 percent of their sentences before being eligible for parole. Upon a third offense, inmates would be required to serve 100 percent of their sentences. Violent criminals today serve an average of 46 percent of their sentences.

Back The Blue (Proposition 130) which would require the state to invest funds already collected from taxpayers – without any new taxes – to enhance the recruiting, training, retention and compensation of law enforcement and peace officers across Colorado. It would also provide a $1 million death benefit to the surviving family members of first responders killed in the line of duty.

“As Sheriff of Douglas County, I firmly support the “Truth in Sentencing” and “Back the Blue” public safety initiatives you will find on the ballot this November. Violent criminals should serve the time they are sentenced to, not just a fraction. Proposition 128 is a critical step toward ensuring our communities are protected from repeat offenders. Likewise, Proposition 130 will help strengthen law enforcement across Colorado by investing in recruitment, training, and compensation for our officers—without raising taxes. It also provides crucial financial security for the families of fallen first responders,” said Sheriff Weekly.

The County Sheriffs of Colorado has endorsed the Back The Blue initiative. In addition, the Denver Police Protection Association, the Colorado Association of Chiefs of Police and the Colorado Fraternal Order of Police, which represents 8,000 sworn law enforcement officers statewide, also endorsed Back The Blue.

Sheriff Weekly authored this op-ed, published in Colorado Politics:

You have the power with this election to take a stand against Colorado’s escalating crime rates. By voting to support the “Back the Blue” initiative, you are choosing to make critical investments in law enforcement using existing state funds — without raising taxes. This initiative provides a clear, effective path to strengthening public safety and making our communities safer.

You don’t have to wear a badge to recognize crime and illegal drug use have reached alarming levels across Colorado. And it’s not just the big cities facing this crisis — suburban and rural communities are also feeling the effect. The data speaks for itself: According to the Common Sense Institute (CSI), Colorado’s crime rate has skyrocketed by nearly 26% from 2011 to 2023, with auto theft alone surging by an astounding 225%. These numbers aren’t just statistics — they reflect the reality too many of our residents experience on a daily basis.

This isn’t a time for hesitation. With the “Back the Blue” initiative, we can give law enforcement the resources they need to combat rising crime, protect our neighborhoods and ensure criminals are held accountable. Defunding the police has failed, and it’s time to invest in solutions that actually work — by giving law enforcement the resources to protect our communities and keep our families safe.

So what’s to be done?

Most people, regardless of their political party, believe the best way to fight crime is with crime fighters — highly trained law enforcement professionals.

Unfortunately, funding priorities at the State Capitol have not always focused on what we know works to get criminals off the streets. In a recent report, CSI detailed how despite increases in state public safety spending, there are fewer law enforcement officers on the job empowered to make arrests. Their research shows the number of police officers per capita has fallen while overall state law enforcement spending has risen.

The good news is if the legislature won’t take the right steps, Colorado voters can.

That’s why I and many law enforcement leaders across the state, including the County Sheriffs of Colorado, are strongly supporting the “Back The Blue” ballot measure. Proposition 130 is a smart, straightforward solution to guaranteeing the state makes more effective investments in law enforcement.

Here’s how Proposition 130 would work.

The measure requires the state to invest $350 million in law enforcement — out of current funds and without a dime of new taxes — to be used to increase pay for officers or provide one-time merit bonuses. It could also be invested in hiring additional law enforcement personnel to address specific types of criminal activity or focus on troubled geographic areas.

Equally important, these dollars can be put to work to enhance education and training, including training on the use of non-lethal force or proper physical restraint.

Proposition 130 also creates a $1 million death benefit for the families of fallen law enforcement officers, firefighters and emergency service workers. In the blink of an eye, a normal shift, or a routine call, can turn tragic. For too many surviving family members, the loss of their loved one brings with it significant financial challenges. This long-overdue death benefit will provide some monetary security as survivors work to put their lives back together.

The dollars voters earmark in the “Back The Blue” initiative will make the kind of practical difference in our war on crime and illegal drugs plaguing our communities that I know Coloradans are seeking.

The bottom line is we need to attract more law enforcement professionals to join us here in Colorado and then ensure all our women and men who put their lives on the line have premier ongoing training.

Here is a practical example: In Douglas County, we’ve found the mere presence of a sheriff’s car and a deputy is one of the best deterrents to crime. That’s why we invest in ensuring we have a presence in neighborhoods, on our streets and in our schools. The dollars from this initiative could be used to expand this physical presence, and help decrease response times when an emergency happens.

Please join us in law enforcement by voting for Proposition 130. When you “Back The Blue” you will help make Colorado a safer place to live, work and raise a family.



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