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Home News Halloween Safety Tips from Sheriff Tony Spurlock

Halloween Safety Tips from Sheriff Tony Spurlock

Halloween is an enjoyable holiday for kids and parents alike. It is important though, to take every precaution possible when it comes to your night of fun.

Start at home:

  • Turn on your exterior lights, welcoming trick-or-treaters.
  • Remove objects from your porch and yard that may be hazardous to visitors.
  • Sweep the sidewalk leading up to your door, making sure there isn’t anything the children can slip on.
  • Restrain pets so they do not bite our jump up on the children at your door.
  • Give wrapped or packaged candy only.

Costume Safety:

  • Choose costumes that are flame-retardant.
  • Use make-up or face paint instead of masks, but if masks are used, make sure that they fit properly and have holes large enough for mouth and eyes.
  • Wear light-colored clothing at night; short enough to prevent tripping. Add reflective tape or reflectors to dark colored costumes.
  • Make props such as magic wands or swords out of cardboard, rather than metal or wood.

Trick-or-Treat Safety:

  • Accept wrapped or packaged candy only.
  • Children shouldn’t snack with they are out and about. They should wait until they get home and parents have had a chance to inspect their goodies.
  • A parent or responsible adult should always accompany young children.
  • Make sure to equip older children with flashlights that have fresh batteries.
  • Drive slowly all evening; you never know what creature may suddenly cross your path.
  • Only go to homes with a porch light on and never enter a car or home for a treat.
  • Carry a mobile phone for quick communication.
  • Remain on well-lit streets and always use the sidewalk.
  • Report any suspicious criminal activity to your local law enforcement agency.

During this particular holiday we seem to see an increase in certain types of “pranks” throughout our neighborhoods. This could be toilet papering a house or filling a mailbox with shaving cream. Talk your older children before they go out; explaining that while you want them to have a good time, some “tricks” could hurt others and destroy property.

For more safety tips about Halloween or other safety tips check the website for the National Crime Prevention Council, or Halloween Safety Tips Flyer: halloween safety tips National Center For Missing & Exploited Children


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