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Home News DCSO Introduces First Law Enforcement Senior Resource Dog

DCSO Introduces First Law Enforcement Senior Resource Dog

(Douglas County, Colorado) Introducing Douglas County Sheriff’s Office new Senior Resource puppy, LEO. We believe he is the first Senior Resource Law Enforcement Dog in Colorado. We also believe he is the cutest!

Nearly 4,000 members of the public voted on his name, and selected LEO (which stands for law enforcement officer). LEO was officially sworn in this morning.

The Douglas County Sheriff’s Office has been a visionary in caring for our elderly population. We have a dedicated Senior Resource Deputy, Ryan Falkner, who came up with the idea to have a puppy join him on visits with our older residents. There are very few Senior Resource Officers in the nation who focus on the older adult population, and none has a Senior Community K9 that we have identified. The primary focus of LEO will be to help create positive relationships between DCSO deputies and older adults. The K9 will go where the Senior Resource Deputy goes for presentations, community events, retirement communities, senior centers, and to help with community policing. The dog will be trained in emotional support and help bridge the gap by having older adults talk about their emotions to the Senior Resource Deputy.

Sheriff Darren Weekly immediately supported the idea. He said, “As soon as we met LEO, we knew he would be an excellent fit for our community. Not only will he be a comforting presence for our senior residents, but also a testament to Deputy Ryan’s dedication to serving our aging population with empathy and understanding.”

Senior Resource Deputy Ryan Falkner said, “It’s an honor, and I’m so blessed to have LEO. He is such a people dog and is another example of Douglas County Sheriff’s Office being visionaries. Leo is a great example of how the Sheriff is dedicated to making sure our older residents are taken care of to the fullest extent of our abilities. I’m sure Leo is going to create positive relationships between law enforcement and our community.”

DCSO looked into adopting a rescue and got connected with the Colorado Animal Care Foundation in Parker, Colorado. They knew exactly the type of dog we were looking for and offered to donate this puppy (a 3-month-old Mini Bernedoodle) to our office. Friends of Douglas County K9’s supported the idea and provided guidance.

Watch LEO’s journey here:

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Deputy Falkner and LEO

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