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Home News DCSO Fully Staffed with Deputies After Academy Graduation

DCSO Fully Staffed with Deputies After Academy Graduation

(Douglas County) The Douglas County Sheriff’s Office welcomed 13 new deputies on November 30, 2023. They spent the last 21 weeks working hard at the Highlands Ranch Law Enforcement Training Facility. The new graduates, Deputy Alex Anderson, Deputy Michael Anderson, Deputy Nathan Courtney, Deputy Zachary Doncer, Deputy Adam Erdle, Deputy Corey Grace, Deputy Ty Kirby, Deputy David Pena, Deputy Samantha Pfannenstiel, Deputy Luis Quijada, Deputy Blake Stanton, Deputy Katelyn White, Deputy Dylan Wynn, will now join the ranks of the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office, ready to serve and protect the community with dedication and distinction. Sheriff Darren Weekly told them, “Remember: that badge, you don’t own it. The people of your community do. That badge is a symbol of the public’s trust in you. Never forget it. I admire each and every one of you for stepping up to the challenge of serving and protecting your community.”

The graduation ceremony, held at Mission Hills Church in Littleton, marked the culmination of an intensive training program that equipped these deputies with the skills and knowledge necessary for the challenges they will face in their roles as law enforcement officers. The comprehensive training curriculum covered a wide range of topics, including community policing, crisis intervention, tactical operations, ethical decision-making, Colorado Criminal Code, report writing, hazardous materials awareness, building searches, rapid emergency response, Standard Field Sobriety Testing (SFST) certification, Tactical Causality Care (TCC), vehicle contacts, rifle training, arrest control tactics, firearms training and safety, weapon management, decisional shooting , use of force, de-escalation of force, alternatives to the use of deadly force, searching and handcuffing, crime scene documentation, crime scene search, identification and collection of evidence, interacting with individuals in mental health crisis, legal aspects of interview and interrogation, domestic violence, civil disputes, human trafficking, traffic crash documentation, liquor code, identity theft, CPR/First Aid/AED, hostage-taking and crisis negotiations, area searches and perimeters, and officer wellness.

The graduates demonstrated exceptional proficiency and dedication throughout the program, earning the respect of their instructors and peers. As they take on their roles as deputies, these individuals bring a wealth of knowledge, skills, and a commitment to serving and protecting the residents of Douglas County. The Sheriff’s Office is confident that their contributions will further enhance the agency’s ability to maintain public safety and build positive relationships within the community.

Sheriff Weekly said, “As the Sheriff, one of my top priorities is to ensure we are fully staffed with exceptional personnel. The graduation of this class brings us up to being fully staffed for all commissioned positions.”

The Douglas County Sheriff’s Office will begin taking applications for the July 2024 POST Certified Academy beginning in early 2024. If you are interested in beginning a career in law enforcement, contact our recruiting team at 303-660-7530 or You may also find more information about joining our DCSO family by visiting

DCSO Sheriff Darren Weekly addresses class 23-17

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