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Home 2022 DCSO Arrests Denver Man After Being Caught With a Stolen Truck and Assaulting a Deputy.

DCSO Arrests Denver Man After Being Caught With a Stolen Truck and Assaulting a Deputy.

Early yesterday morning, around 1:20 am, while patrolling a neighborhood in Parker, a #DCSO deputy spotted a suspicious vehicle. The deputy saw someone get out of the vehicle, but when the deputy turned his car around to contact the driver, the driver was gone. While deputies were looking for the driver, a man walked up to them and claimed someone else was driving. They were able to determine he was the driver and that the truck was stolen. When they tried to take him into custody, he started to resist and pull away from the deputies, kicking one of them in the chest and face. After deputies took control of the suspect, they were able to look into the truck. They found evidence of fentanyl pills, several financial devices belonging to other people, and handgun ammo. He was taken to jail and booked in on several charges, including assault on a peace officer. Thankfully the deputy was not injured.



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