Crime Prevention
It can happen to you.

While the crime rate in Douglas County is relatively low, it’s best to be aware of your surroundings and stay alert in situations that could make you vulnerable to criminals. Using common sense and taking basic crime prevention measures will help make you more safe and more secure. Crime prevention is the anticipation, recognition, and appraisal of a risk and the initiation of action to reduce or remove that risk.
Protect Your Home and belongings from burglars
Most burglars are opportunists who will break into your home if it’s easy and quick, but if you make it harder, they will go elsewhere.
Auto theft and theft from auto
Keep your vehicle and valuables safe by locking your car, hiding valuables and taking the keys with you, even if the car is parked in the driveway or garage.
Fraud, scams, cons
Criminals will contact you by mail, telephone, or internet in an attempt to “con” you into sending them money. Educate yourself to avoid becoming a victim of these crimes.
Internet safety
You can’t be sure of who you’re communicating with over the internet. Criminals will try to get your personal information to steal your identity, burglarize your home while you are on vacation, talk to your children and more.
Make yourself and your kids less of a target for criminals
You can protect yourself and your children by learning some simple prevention steps. Be aware of your surroundings and keep yourself clear of common dangerous situations.
Robbery prevention
Avoiding dark and dangerous places, walking with other people, not wearing expensive clothing and jewelry in public, etc. can minimize your chances of getting robbed. The chances of your business being robbed can also be minimized.
Prevent Identity theft
Learn how criminals get your personal information and what they do with it so you can prevent it from happening.