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Home News CAUGHT ON CAMERA: A Douglas County Deputy Helps Free a Bear Cub from a Dumpster

CAUGHT ON CAMERA: A Douglas County Deputy Helps Free a Bear Cub from a Dumpster

(Douglas County, Colorado) On July 15th, Douglas County Deputy Jazombek responded to a call of a distressed bear stuck in a dumpster. He worked with Colorado Parks and Wildlife officers to assess the situation, and they quickly devised a plan to aid the trapped bear without causing harm to the animal or endangering the public.

Working hand-in-hand with CPW officers, Deputy Jazombek created a makeshift bridge using a nearby fence, enabling the bear to escape to safety. The entire rescue operation was executed with utmost care, ensuring minimal stress to the bear during the rescue process.

Watch the rescue here:

Douglas County Sheriff Darren Weekly said, “Our deputies never know what kind of calls they will respond to. I am so proud of Deputy Jazombek’s compassion and ingenuity in caring for this bear cub and the people in the area. I am also proud of the teamwork he demonstrated working closely with Colorado Parks and Wildlife to ensure a successful outcome.”

The Douglas County Sheriff’s Office would like to take this opportunity to remind residents and visitors to exercise caution when encountering wildlife and to report any instances of trapped or distressed animals to the appropriate authorities. Deputy Jazombek also wants to remind residents and visitors to dispose of food and trash properly to avoid attracting bears into our neighborhoods.


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