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Home 2023 August

Douglas County Sheriff’s Office Investigates Bias-Motivated Vandalism Incident

Douglas County, CO – The Douglas County Sheriff’s Office is actively investigating a troubling act of vandalism that occurred in the late night hours of August 25th, 2023, at the Douglas County Fairgrounds. A Douglas County Patrol Deputy spotted the graffiti at 7 a.m., just hours before the PrideFest event began. The incident involved the […]

Unique Team from Douglas County Sheriff’s Office Fights Crime..and Wildfires

(Douglas County, Colorado) The Douglas County Sheriff’s Office (DCSO) is taking a proactive approach to address wildfires, which have been identified as the number one natural hazard in the region. The DCSO Wildland Fire Handcrew (WFH) Special Team is made up of deputies and civilian employees from all divisions of the Sheriff’s Office. Traditionally assigned […]

The Douglas County Sheriff’s Office Detention Facility Receives Its Fourth ACA Accreditation Award

Douglas County Sheriff Darren Weekly and members of his Accreditation Staff were in Philadelphia last week to receive a very well-earned award, their 4th American Correctional Association (ACA) Re-Accreditation. This process includes daily compliance with standards that address all aspects of correctional administration and operations, and an on-site assessment (which occurs every three years) from […]

Douglas County Sheriff’s Office Concerned Over Recent Fraud Trend

Douglas County – Douglas County Sheriff’s investigators are seriously concerned about a recent fraud trend. We have received three separate reports of suspects meeting the victim in person to receive money and other valuables. 2023-58686.  This case happened on July 12, 2023.  Victim is elderly and her loss is $125,000 in gold. 2023-64094.  This case […]

***BIG WAVE of Publishing Clearing House Scam Calls***

Many residents have reported calls about winning the Publishing Clearing House Lottery.  7 residents in the past week reported this scam with little info other than “received a call from PCH saying I won…” Be aware of this wave and always stay alarm to new scams.  We can never let our guard down!  Remember, legitimate […]

August 2023= **VERY CONCERNING** Buy Gold scam/meet in-person

This scam is very concerning to law enforcement and scary for our citizens.  The scam reaches our citizens by either a phone call, text message, or an email, stating that your computer or bank account has been compromised and the victim needs to buy gold and hand it over to this “company” to secure the […]

CAUGHT ON CAMERA: A Douglas County Deputy Helps Free a Bear Cub from a Dumpster

(Douglas County, Colorado) On July 15th, Douglas County Deputy Jazombek responded to a call of a distressed bear stuck in a dumpster. He worked with Colorado Parks and Wildlife officers to assess the situation, and they quickly devised a plan to aid the trapped bear without causing harm to the animal or endangering the public. Working […]

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