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Home News 1st Community Impact awards for suicide prevention

1st Community Impact awards for suicide prevention

Douglas Arapahoe Suicide Prevention Alliance’s (DASPA) Community Impact Awards

Nov. 5, 2014 | 7am at Pegasus On the Square Restaurant in Castle Rock, CO

Sponsored by Pegasus Restaurant


Chair – Phyllis Harvey; Douglas County Sheriff’s Office – YESS Program Coordinator/Suicide Prevention

Vice Chair – Jon Larson; New Hope Presbyterian Church

Secretary – Candace Bretsch; Arapahoe County Coroner’s Office Forensic Pathology Assistant

Treasurer – Tamara Connell; Littleton Adventist Hospital Trauma Coordinator

The Douglas Arapahoe Suicide Prevention Alliance’s (DASPA) Community Impact Awards honor individuals, businesses and organizations in either Douglas or Arapahoe Counties that are making a tangible, measurable impact on their communities around suicide prevention efforts.

We specifically celebrate recipients who are not ordinarily involved in suicide prevention, but took it upon themselves to do so.  Their efforts are in line with the mission of DASPA which is to implement comprehensive, communitywide initiatives for preventing suicide among people of all ages in Douglas and Arapahoe Counties.

Margaret Mead once said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” The individuals honored in the Community Impact Awards put this thought into action.

For 2014 the following will receive the DASPA Community Impact Award:

  • Val Purser and Traci Jones with the South Metro Health Alliance – for their work on the DASPA Call to Action
  • Kate Muus with DC Proud/DC Strong, Douglas County High School Alumni group, for their organization of the 5K raising money for suicide prevention and awareness.
  • Kalilah Herscovici with Chaparral High School for her incorporation of suicide prevention and awareness skills in teaching the unit on Romeo and Juliet.

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