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Home 2020 Temporary Procedure for Concealed Handgun Permits

Temporary Procedure for Concealed Handgun Permits

No longer in effect. Please refer to the Concealed Handgun Permit page.

Effective April 8, 2020, the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office will be following Executive Order D 2020 029 issued by Governor Polis on April 6, 2020, allowing for the issuance of a Temporary (valid for an initial period of ninety (90) days) Concealed Handgun Permit (CHP) for new concealed handgun permits. These processes will remain in place until further notice. Our mission is to ensure we serve the needs of our community while also doing our very best to protect the health of everyone. We appreciate everyone’s patience.

There can be no Concealed Handgun Permits applications accepted in person until further notice

For information on the procedure to obtain a temporary concealed handgun permit, please go to our website here.

Any questions please call 303-814-7660 to talk with one of our CHP Specialists.





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