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Warrants This unit apprehends fugitives of justice who have warrants for their arrest in Douglas County, Colorado.

Warrant Tip Line

We need your help finding people who have warrants out for their arrest, and your tip can be anonymous.

You can call:

  • 303-660-7574  
  • 303-660-7577

Arrest Warrants are court orders mandating law enforcement officers to arrest and bring before the court the person who is the subject of the warrant. The Warrants Unit serves arrest warrants issued by Douglas County courts. The warrants can be from a criminal investigation, a defendant’s failure to appear in court, or a defendant’s non-compliance with imposed court conditions. Deputies serving in the unit are commissioned by the Colorado Bureau of Investigation to make arrests in Colorado.

What happens if I’m served?

If you are arrested on a warrant, you will be taken to jail to be booked.  The court will decide if you can post bond. That’s money or property collateral held by the courts to encourage you to complete the court process.

Learn what happens when juveniles are arrested.

How to resolve your warrant

The most common arrest warrants are for failure to appear for missed traffic court dates. These are easily resolved by coming to the Justice Center and bringing all relevant paperwork.

  • The issue must be resolved in person.
  • Check in at the First Appearance Center (F.A.C.) located on the main level of the court facility. The court clerks will set a hearing time with a judge to resolve the warrant. Checking in at the F.A.C. prior to 8:00 a.m. may increase your chances of being seen by a judge that day.  The F.A.C. will not set hearing times by phone.

Violent Offender Task Force (V.O.T.F.)

The DCSO participates in the U.S. Marshals Service Violent Offender Task Force (V.O.T.F.) which focuses on finding fugitives who have outstanding felony warrants for drug offenses or violent crimes. Investigators assigned to the task force are from local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies throughout Colorado.

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