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Crime Analysis

2021 Crime Hot Spots

Crime Analysis is the timely, accurate, tactical, and strategic analysis of data relating to crime. The data is used to support the office’s goals and community policing efforts to fight and prevent crime.

The Crime Analysis Unit (CAU) is responsible for determining and monitoring criminal activity in Douglas County and communicating the information to Patrol, Investigations, other law enforcement agencies, and other units that can assist with reducing or eliminating the criminal activity.

The CAU was implemented in 2003. The CAU provides enforcement teams with current crime pattern information and identified hot spots areas, and it produces crime bulletins detailing immediate crime problems, crime summaries, crime maps, and other products.

The CAU supports several divisions within the office with the following core functions:

  • Identifying crime patterns and crime series.
  • Forecasting future crime.
  • Identifying likely targets of crime.
  • Assisting with case clearances.
  • Providing investigative leads.
  • Providing support data to community policing and crime prevention programs.
  • Providing data to support resource allocation and departmental planning.

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