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Local Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan

Plan Purpose :

Did you know that floods, wildfires, and severe weather are among the natural hazards that can have a significant impact on Douglas County?

To reduce the County’s vulnerability to these natural hazards – and thus reduce or eliminate long-term risk to people and property from hazards – Douglas County and its many local and regional government partners and stakeholders engage in the development of a Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan update every five years.  The most recent revision was completed in 2021.

The Douglas County Local Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan is prepared pursuant to the requirements of the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 so that Douglas County will be eligible for the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) Grant Program and Hazard Mitigation Grant programs, should those funds be sought because of any natural hazards incident in Douglas County.

When due for a 5-year revision, the County follows a planning process prescribed by FEMA, which begins with the formation of a natural hazard mitigation planning committee (HMPC) comprised of key County representatives, and other regional stakeholders. Public notices of meetings are announced as prescribed in the FEMA process.

The goal of every revision is to update and strengthen the County’s plan to be better prepared and more resilient when disaster strikes.

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