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Home 2019 Sheriff’s Office Launches SPIDR Tech, New Victim Notification System

Sheriff’s Office Launches SPIDR Tech, New Victim Notification System

NARRATIVE: DOUGLAS COUNTY, CO – At a time when it’s crucial to maintain good community relationships, the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office expanded its capabilities in its community engagement efforts, launching the SPIDR Tech platform last week.
If a Case Report is taken and there is a victim, they are sent an email or SMS text message with a link to a letter from the Sheriff. This letter tells the victim the case number, the deputy’s name that took the original report, the detective or deputy assigned to their case for follow-up and includes their phone number and email address. It also provides the name of the victim assistance advocate assigned the case and their email and phone number. It also lists the status of their case; either open or closed.
The platform will not only enable the Sheriff’s Office to send fully automated messages to victims of crimes and 911 callers, it will also allow them to close the communication loop by collecting community feedback about their experience with the Office.
The SPIDR Tech platform does this by allowing agencies to send out short surveys to their “customers” asking questions about (satisfaction, resolution status, trust, customer service, etc).
Responses are analyzed and generate insights that can be applied to day-to-day decision making, from patrol to command, in near real time.
The Sheriff’s Office is the first agency in Colorado as well as the only Sheriff’s Office in the Nation that will join many other agencies across the country who can now confidently measure (community sentiment / messages / engagement) thanks to the SPIDR Tech platform.
“We are always trying to think of ways to keep our crime victims better informed as to the progress of their case. This system is just a steppingstone to better communication between the victim and the person investigating their case.” Sheriff Spurlock stated. “The survey will be a way for us to make sure our citizens are receiving excellent service, as well as, allow us to improve in any areas necessary.”




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