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Home 2023 Sheriff Darren Weekly shares the Office’s new Vision, Mission, and Value statements.

Sheriff Darren Weekly shares the Office’s new Vision, Mission, and Value statements.

Sheriff Darren Weekly Vision Mission

Sheriff Darren Weekly shares the Office’s new Vision, Mission, and Value statements.

“I’m very excited to officially announce this to our public. What I am most proud of is that I didn’t write it. It was not something created by my command staff either. I asked both commissioned and civilian personnel from each division to help create these statements, and this is what they came up with. The words are very personal and take into account everything that the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office does daily to serve the Douglas County community.”

Our Vision is to be the leader in courageous and compassionate public safety.

Our Mission is to partner with the community in our unwavering commitment to safeguard life, rights, and property while enforcing the law fairly. We will be accountable, transparent, and respectful as we adapt our training and resources to meet the evolving needs of Douglas County.

The Values we embody that help us fulfill our Vision and Mission are

Honor* Service* Valor.

Honor – being of superior standing, one whose worth brings respect.

Service – to always go above and beyond the call of duty.

Valor – To have the strength of mind or spirit that enables a person to encounter danger with firmness and personal bravery.


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