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Home 2015 Reminder: St. Baldrick’s Event On Saturday March 14th

Reminder: St. Baldrick’s Event On Saturday March 14th

Douglas County Sheriff’s deputies will look a little ragged in the weeks ahead as their hair grows long, their beard’s get thicker and their mustaches turn up. And it’s A-OK with the Sheriff. This year, Sheriff Spurlock has challenged staff and the community to help him raise $3500.00 to shave his mustache, his prized possession.

Saturday March 14th, 2015 will mark the ninth year the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office has partnered with the St. Baldrick’s Foundation and the community at large. This event has raised over a quarter of a million dollars to assist in finding healthier cures for childhood cancer.

The St. Baldrick’s Foundation is a volunteer-driven charity committed to funding the most promising research to find cures for childhood cancers and give survivors long and healthy lives. The St. Baldrick’s Foundation funds more in childhood cancer research grants than any organization except the U.S. government. We coordinate our signature head-shaving events and other fundraisers, giving thousands of volunteers worldwide a chance to raise money to support lifesaving childhood cancer research. St. Baldrick’s events are the largest volunteer-driven fundraising opportunity benefitting pediatric cancer research.

On Saturday March 14th, at the Douglas County Events Center, 500 Fairgrounds Drive in Castle Rock, barbers will turn on their electric razors and shave off that long hair, beard, and mustache. Every buzz cut will help researchers try to find a cure for cancers that strike children.

The shave-a-thon is a fundraiser for the St. Baldrick’s Foundation, a non-profit, volunteer-driven organization that relies on the generosity of people to help slow down and stop the insidious diseases.  Deputies taking part in the event will get shaved at 2:00 p.m. The public can get their heads shaved for the event between 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

The donations are distributed to research facilities across the United States and allow some of the most brilliant minds to study cancerous cells and research cures for clinical trials.

Sheriff Tony Spurlock stated “Our deputies look forward to this event every year. It raises money for a great cause and the deputies have fun with it. But more importantly, the money raised will help save children’s lives.”

“I urge you as a community member to read about the St. Baldrick’s Foundation and read the stories of some of the bravest warriors battling a deadly microscopic enemy,” Deputy Niles Ackerson says. “Without our help with funding, the doctors and scientist’s researching cancer, can’t help cancer victims win their battle.”

Deputy Ackerson lost a child to cancer.  He’s trying to make sure that doesn’t happen to any other parent or child by holding the fundraiser.  Ackerson’s goal is to raise $50,000.

For additional information, pleasecontact Deputy Niles Ackerson at or 303-947-2446.


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