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Home 2015 PSAC – Upcoming Public Hearings – UAV Subcommittee

PSAC – Upcoming Public Hearings – UAV Subcommittee

The Public Safety Advisory Committee (PSAC) of the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office (DCSO) is holding a public hearing on Thursday, April 30th at 6:00 p.m. in the Community Meeting Room at the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office’s Highlands Ranch Substation, located at 9250 Zotos Drive, Highlands Ranch, CO 80129. The purpose of this hearing is to obtain information from featured guest speakers on the proposal by the DCSO to utilize one small unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) with a camera for the limited purposes of search and rescue operations and photographing crime/accident scenes. One featured guest speaker who has accepted an invitation to speak will be Denise Maes, Public Policy Director of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Colorado, on their recommendations for guidelines for UAV usage by local law enforcement for the protection of citizen’s privacy rights. After the featured speaker presentations, PSAC will be taking both comments and questions from residents of Douglas County and representatives of interested groups. PSAC will use the information and public comment to develop a written report with policy and procedure recommendations to the Sheriff’s Office. Interested parties who are unable to attend this public hearing are welcome to submit their comments in writing to PSAC at

Invitation2UAVHrg – Attendee


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