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Home 2015 Pebley Convicted of 15 Counts of Attempted Murder Involving 2012 Shootout with Law Enforcement

Pebley Convicted of 15 Counts of Attempted Murder Involving 2012 Shootout with Law Enforcement

Contact:  Michelle Yi, Director of Communications

Direct: 720-874-8556

Cell: 720-541-4675


Involving 2012 Shootout with Law Enforcement

A Douglas County jury convicted defendant Lonnie James Pebley, 43 of Castle Rock, of 46 counts related to an incident on Independence Day 2012. The defendant attempted to shoot 27 Castle Rock Police Officers and Douglas County Sheriff’s deputies with an AK-47 and handgun for 30 minutes in the late hours of the night in a stand-off. The incident occurred at 1280 S. Ridge Road in Castle Rock.

The jury convicted him of the following counts:

  • 15 counts of Attempted First Degree Murder (Class 2 Felony)
  • 12 counts of First Degree Assault – Threatening a Peace Officer with a Weapon (Class 3 Felony)
  • 1 count Criminal Mischief – $1000-$20,000 (Class 4 Felony)
  • 1 count of Weapon – Prohibited Use – Reckless with a Gun (Class 2 Misdemeanor)
  • 17 counts of Reckless Endangerment (Class 3 Misdemeanor)

The defendant’s sentencing is set for May 8, 2015 at 8:30 a.m. in the Douglas County Justice Center, Division 1.

He faces a mandatory minimum of 190 years and up to approximately 600 years in the Department of Corrections.

The jury trial began on January 22, 2015 and concluded on February 6, 2015. Senior Deputy District Attorney Chris Gallo and Deputy District Attorney Sam Evig prosecuted this case.

The Honorable Paul King presided over this case.



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