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Home 2015 NB I-25 County Line Road off-ramp night closures (March 22, 23 & 24)

NB I-25 County Line Road off-ramp night closures (March 22, 23 & 24)

Rain delayed planned night closures on March 17 & 18.

For three consecutive nights (March 22, 23 and 24), the northbound I-25 County Line Road off-ramp (exit 195) will be closed from 10 p.m. to 5:30 a.m. for paving operations.

Crews expect to have the ramp open by 5:30 a.m. each morning – in time for the morning commute. This work is part of the I-25 Widening Project, which is currently in Phase 2. In general, Phase 2 widens the east side of I-25 from Lincoln Avenue to County Line Road. During this phase, the County Line Road off-ramp is being widened to provide two lanes up to the Regional Transportation District (RTD) County Line Station Park-n-Ride lot.

In April, another three-night closure is anticipated.

Visit for a more information on this ramp closure including a detour map.


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