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Home 2015 Love it here? Become a Community Safety Volunteer

Love it here? Become a Community Safety Volunteer

After Don Hatch retired from 27 years in the military, he was looking for something to do. He saw a flyer about residents who volunteer for the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office called Community Safety Volunteers or CSVs. Don says he just knew it would be great.

“I really love what I’m doing, going out on patrol, doing house watches and VIN checks. But I also get to interact with the community,” he said. “I don’t know how many times I’ve been out on patrol and helped someone who said, ‘Thank you so much for what you’re doing.’ I always say, ‘It’s a great county. This is a way we can pay it back and keep it a great county.”

Want to join Don and dozens of other residents who volunteer as CSVs? We’re now taking applications for the 2016 CSV Academy. The six-week academy meets on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6 – 10 p.m. and on four Saturdays at the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office in Castle Rock or the Highlands Ranch Substation in Highlands Ranch.

Watch CSVs in action.

CSVs are people who are interested in law enforcement. They help the sheriff’s office by providing services in the community that don’t need a sworn officer. Some of the calls they go on are traffic con
trol, impounds, house watches, elementary school checks, found property and more.

CSVs who don’t want to work on patrol can work inside the sheriff’s office, helping detectives, jail staff, records clerks and more.

Application deadline is December 30, 2015. Email for more information. Upon graduation, each volunteer must complete a 30-hour CSV field training program and volunteer at least 16 hours a month.


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