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Home 2015 Join the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office for National Night Out 2015

Join the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office for National Night Out 2015



The Douglas County Sheriff’s Office is gearing up for the 2015 Annual National Night Out celebration, scheduled for Tuesday, August 4, 2015, from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm. Be a part of celebrating Douglas County Sheriff’s Office service to the community by participating in this nation-wide event that will bring the citizens of Douglas County together with law enforcement and emergency service providers to participate in a night of food, fun, and crime prevention!

The purpose of this event is to reduce property crime, through neighbors getting out of their houses, turning on their porch lights, and getting to know each other as well as local emergency service providers.  This happens through neighborhoods hosting block parties, which are attended by deputies and employees from the sheriff’s office, fire personnel from local fire stations, and other special guests. The host of a block party can sign up with the Community Resource Unit of the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office to have visits by an array of guests.

The visits can consist of any of the following groups; K-9’s and their handlers, motorcycles, Race-A-Cop car, patrol car, jail bus, crime scene van, SWAT team member, hazmat, park ranger, McGruff the Crime Dog, CSV (Community Safety Volunteer), Mounted Patrol, fire fighters and their engines, and many more.  These visits allow citizens to interact with law enforcement and fire fighters in a non-emergent atmosphere which builds stronger relationships between the citizens of Douglas County and local emergency services personnel.

Even though the night is fun filled, we also ask that citizens remember to be safe and practice good crime prevention by closing their garage doors, locking their doors, and turning on their porch lights, when they leave for their event.

Although National Night Out is run through the neighborhood watch program in Douglas County, your neighborhood does not have to belong to a neighborhood watch group to participate.  If you live in unincorporated Douglas County, are interested in having a block party, and would like to meet some of the county’s “finest”, please contact Penny Taylor at 303-660-7544 or email to get information about signing up.

NNO 2015 Sign-up Form


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