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Inmate Activities & Programs

Our jail offers several programs for inmates to earn an education and undertake personal growth. We believe by giving inmates the opportunity to better themselves, they may be less likely to re-offend and return to the community as productive, law-abiding citizens.

Sample Programs :

  • LexisNexis, a computer-based legal resource
  • Alcoholics Anonymous and Celebrate Recovery
  • Anger Management
  • Bible study along with Sunday worship services
  • Character First
  • Effective Communication
  • GED preparatory class
  • Life skills and Thinking for a Change classes promote happiness and peace in life
  • Narcotics Anonymous
  • Quest for Authentic Manhood, which helps inmates understand their role as fathers
  • Read-A-Book offers the opportunity to record their voice reading books to send to their children

Inmates are also afforded recreational activities like watching television and movies, playing cards, reading books from the jail library, and participating in outdoor sports such as basketball, walking, and jogging. Inmates can also read the daily newspaper and access limited website content.

Inmates meeting requirements can earn money or time off their sentences by participating as a Pod Worker or an Inmate Worker.

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