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Home 2017 Injured Climber Rescued at Devils Head

Injured Climber Rescued at Devils Head

NARRATIVE: DOUGLAS COUNTY, CO – At 3:27 pm on 06/18/17, Douglas County Sheriff’s deputies and Douglas County Search and Rescue (DCSAR) responded to an injured climber in the area of Devils Head mountain. It was reported by witnesses that the climber fell approximately 100 feet and landed on a ledge, 30 – 40 feet high.  Deputies and DCSAR hiked in to the location of the injured climber, which was approximately one and a half miles from the roadway.  DCSAR members were able to make contact with the injured climber and brought them down off the ledge, where medical personnel were staged.  The extent of injuries is unknown at this time.  The climber has been transported to an area hospital via medical helicopter.  The injured party was part of a group of climbers scaling Devils Head and it is unknown what caused the climber to fall.  Jackson 105 Fire Department, Larkspur Fire Department, Castle Rock Fire Department, US Forest Service, and Air Life also assisted at the scene.


Devils Head is located in the Rampart Range of the Pike National Forest, approximately 14 miles southwest of Sedalia.


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