Fallen Officer Fund

Fallen Officer Fund of Douglas County Foundation is a Colorado 501(c)(3), tax-exempt charitable organization. Donations are tax-deductible under Tax ID #20-5599045.
Your tax-exempt donation provides assistance to Douglas County Sheriff’s Office members who are killed or seriously injured in the line of duty or who become deceased as a result of illness, accident, injury, or natural causes not related to any performance of duty. In some situations, donors prefer their donation be considered for a specific member(s) and if this is your intent, simply make that note on your check or include that request with your donation so the Fallen Officer Fund Board of Directors is aware of the intent of your donation.
Donations can be mailed to:
Fallen Officers Fund
Attn: Lieutenant Ron Hanavan
4000 Justice Way
Castle Rock, CO 80109
Donations may also be made through Paypal via the button below or by scanning the QR code on the left.