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Home 2015 Douglas County Wildfire Mitigation and Preparedness Workshop

Douglas County Wildfire Mitigation and Preparedness Workshop

Douglas County Wildfire Mitigation and Preparedness Workshop on May 2nd at the Douglas County Events Center.  This is a free event and is being held in conjunction with the National Wildfire Community Preparedness Day.

As certain as the springtime, wildfire season has returned to Colorado, and with it, Douglas County wants its citizens and taxpayers to be prepared.

A free workshop scheduled for 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. May 2 at the Douglas County Events Center, 500 Fairgrounds Drive, Castle Rock, will provide information to citizens regarding wildfire hazard reduction techniques, community wildfire mitigation and preparedness efforts, evacuation planning and insurance needs.

“Because our citizens live in and around the interface of the Pike National Forest, as well as within wooded areas and adjacent to grasslands, it is important that individuals know what can be done to reduce their risk during a wildfire,” said Commissioner David Weaver.

The event, held in accordance with National Wildfire Community Preparedness Day, is sponsored by the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office, Colorado State Forest Service and the Douglas County Wildfire Mitigation team and will feature a panel presentation. Coffee and snacks will be provided. Please RSVP to no later than April 24.

For more information, please visit the County’s wildfire preparedness page where you can sign up for Code Red, view the County’s Disaster Preparedness Guide and more.

Flyer  DC_Workshop_2015



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