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Home 2024 Douglas County Teen Gets Broken Bike Fixed After It Was Stolen

Douglas County Teen Gets Broken Bike Fixed After It Was Stolen

This is a true sign of the goodness in our community. At the end of April, Jake, a local middle school student, had his bicycle stolen from the school’s property. His parents reported the theft but did not know who had taken it and thought it was gone forever.
#DCSO Deputy Sandifer, the SRO for Jake’s school, was determined to find out what happened. She learned that an adult male was seen taking the bicycle from the school’s bike rack. The information was passed along to patrol, and a few days later, they found the male who had taken it. He was arrested for theft and other local charges unrelated to the bike theft. Sadly, the bike was broken.
Two local bicycle shops were contacted to see if they could help. Without hesitation, the Bike Source and Trek Bike stores in Highlands Ranch offered to fix Jake’s bike for free. They, along with Deputy Sandifer, met with Jake to present his fixed bike back to him. He and his parents were overwhelmed by the generosity of strangers.
So many lessons were learned during this whole situation, but the best one is that the goodness in people always wins!! We love our Douglas County community!!

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