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Home 2024 Douglas County Sheriff’s Office Top Notch Victim Assistance Unit

Douglas County Sheriff’s Office Top Notch Victim Assistance Unit

Did you know? The Colorado Victim Rights Act was passed in 1992. This constitutional amendment provides crime victims with specific rights. Its purpose is to help ensure that the justice system provides victims with rights that are pursued and enforced with the same diligence as those guaranteed to a criminal defendant.
The #DCSO is blessed with a top-notch Victim Assistance Unit. Our advocates respond to victims of crimes and family survivors in cases of violent and/or sudden death. Advocates address emotional issues, confusion, and trauma. Advocates also make long-term referrals to help victims get on the path of recovery. They also act as a liaison between the criminal justice system and the victim. We are lucky enough to have volunteers who are just as passionate about advocacy and who work after normal business hours to assist crime victims and their families.
As #NationalCrimeVictimsRightsWeek is coming to a close, we want to make sure that victim resource information is easily accessible to all those who need it. Please visit our Victim Assistance page on our website:…/investigations/victim-assistance/

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