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Home 2019 Douglas County Sheriff’s Office Participates in National Drug Take Back Day

Douglas County Sheriff’s Office Participates in National Drug Take Back Day

Sheriff Spurlock is pleased to partner with Highlands Ranch Metro District and Centennial Water, to sponsor National Prescription Drug Take Back Day. Please join us on Saturday, April 27 from 10 am – 2pm at two different locations in Highlands Ranch.

Douglas County Sheriff’s Office Highlands Ranch Substation located at 9250 Zotos Drive and

King Soopers at 4000 Red Cedar Dr

Flushing or dumping medicine down a drain or toilet is not a good way to dispose of it. Instead, drive through and turn in your unused or expired prescription and over-the-counter medication for safe disposal.

Items which cannot be accepted:

Needles and sharps

Mercury (thermometers)

Oxygen containers

Chemotherapy/Radioactive substances

Pressurized canisters

Illicit Drugs

See you then!!


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