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Home 2017 Douglas County Sheriff’s Office Joins in Efforts to Educate Community on Auto Theft Prevention

Douglas County Sheriff’s Office Joins in Efforts to Educate Community on Auto Theft Prevention

In an effort to reduce auto theft and educate the community of the risks, dangers and heightened crime associated with auto theft, the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office has joined efforts with Coloradans Against Auto Theft (C.A.A.T.), Colorado Auto Theft Investigators (C.A.T.I.), and several other law enforcement agencies across the State of Colorado, participating in Puffer Week, January 23-27, 2017.

“Puffing” is when a vehicle is left running while unattended, making the vehicle easy for criminals to steal.

Colorado Revised Statute, 42-4-1206, addresses the fact that it is illegal for a person to leave a vehicle running and unattended unless a remote starter system and other adequate security measures are in place.

This week, deputies will be looking for Puffer Vehicles and will be passing out educational pamphlets and/or citations when necessary to those in violation of the statute.

“In 2016 we had more than 180 stolen vehicles reported in unincorporated Douglas County. Those numbers are up 8% from the previous year.” Sheriff Tony Spurlock says, “By educating the community on the risks involved with puffing, it is my hope that those numbers will be reduced in 2017.

For more information or automobile theft statistics for the State of Colorado, please visit




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