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Home 2016 Douglas County Sheriff’s Office 2016 Annual Awards Ceremony

Douglas County Sheriff’s Office 2016 Annual Awards Ceremony

NARRATIVE: DOUGLAS COUNTY, CO – On May 10th, In honor of National Police Week, the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office will gather to remember those who have given their lives in the line of duty for the safety and protection of others, and to pay special recognition to those men and women who throughout their commitment and courage, serve and protect the citizens of Douglas County.

Meritorious Awards and other forms of recognition will be awarded to citizens and employees.


Hosted by: Cherry Hills Community Church

3900 E. Grace Blvd.

Highlands Ranch, CO 80126

In Recognition of National Law Enforcement Week- May 15-21, 2016

An RSVP to Lauren LeKander is required by May 2, 2016. To R.S.V.P. please email



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