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Home 2015 Douglas County Sheriff Will Honor Employees and Others at an Awards Ceremony to be Held on May 11, 2015

Douglas County Sheriff Will Honor Employees and Others at an Awards Ceremony to be Held on May 11, 2015

Douglas County Sheriff Tony Spurlock is honored to recognize several employees and others at an awards ceremony on May 11, 2015, 7:00 pm at Cherry Hills Community Church, 3900 E. Grave Blvd. Highlands Ranch, CO 80126

Awards to be presented will include:

  • Life Saving: award is presented to those members of the Sheriff’s Office or citizens who exhibit extraordinary performance that results in the saving of a human life.
  • Meritorious Conduct: awarded to employees whose performance is brave, exemplary and where a significant risk of injury to the member exists.
  • Sheriff’s Commendation: is awarded to any member or citizen for an outstanding act or achievement that brings credit upon the Office, which involves performance above and beyond that required by the member’s duty assignment.
  • Meritorious Service: is awarded to members who contribute significantly to the office over an extended period in operational or support functions by advancing the idea of excellence in police work
  • Purple Heart: is awarded to employees who suffer serious line of duty injuries caused by the act of an aggressor and which are directly related to their law enforcement or detention service, either on or off-duty
  • Medal of Valor: recognizes employees who have risked their lives in the line of duty or performed under life-threatening conditions above and beyond their required scope of duty while protecting the lives of others.
  • Ronald M. King Community Service Award: In honor of the hard work and programs developed by Deputy King, this award was created to recognize a Douglas County citizen or organization, and a public law enforcement officer for their outstanding contribution to youth issues.
  • Sheriff’s Cross: is awarded to employees who suffer serious line of duty injuries which are directly related to their law enforcement service, either on or off-duty.

Douglas County Sheriff Tony Spurlock is especially proud of these ceremonies and finds that these awards symbolize the commitment that members of the Sheriff’s Office and citizens have to their community.  “I am truly honored to be surrounded by a group of people that show true heroism and dedication on a daily basis.” Sheriff Spurlock went on to thank Cherry Hills Community Church for hosting the ceremony.

All media outlets are invited to the ceremony.

 Deputy Chad Teller, Public Information Officer, 303-660-7510


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