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Home 2017 Douglas County Emergency Telephone Service Authority Tests CodeRED System November 20, 2017

Douglas County Emergency Telephone Service Authority Tests CodeRED System November 20, 2017

The Douglas County Emergency Telephone Service Authority will be testing the CodeRED emergency notification system on November 20, 2017 at 10:00am. The purpose of this test is to validate the telephone numbers in the Douglas County emergency notification database. There is no need for action if you receive the call.

The Caller ID will read 866-419-5000 and the message will say “This is a test of Douglas County CodeRED Emergency Notification System. No action is required, this is only a test. Had this been an actual emergency you would have received important information from your local public safety officials. Again, this is only a test.”

This testing process will increase the efficiency of the system and the speed in which notifications will be delivered when the system is used during an actual emergency.

Residents and businesses are encouraged to visit to sign up to receive CodeRED notification or update their contact information, including additional phone numbers and email addresses to ensure all of the data in the system is accurate and current. Citizens who have unlisted phone numbers, changed their phone number or address within the past year and/or those who use a cellular or a VoIP phone as their primary number, should add or update their contact information in the emergency database.

The CodeRED notification system assists in providing registered citizens with necessary public safety information pertaining to their registered location via telephone calls, text messages, and/or emails.

Questions regarding the CodeRED system or this test should be emailed to

DISCLAIMER: The CodeRED™ notification service (the “Service”) is provided as a supplemental emergency communication method and should not be relied upon exclusively. Neither the Douglas County Emergency Telephone Service Authority (the “Authority”)nor Douglas County (the “County”) make any warranties of any kind, either express or implied, with regards to the Service, including without limitation, warranties about the accuracy, completeness, or delivery of any information posted or transmitted by the Authority through the CodeRED™ System. There is no guarantee that a notification will reach any particular resident upon activation. By providing the Service, neither the Authority nor the County assume a duty of care, nor do they waive any of the protections of the Colorado Governmental Immunity Act (24-10-

101, et seq., C.R.S.). Neither the Authority nor the County, nor any of their affiliates, agents, contractors, or respective employees, shall be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, reliance, punitive, or consequential damages or for lost profits or revenues or lost data or costs of cover relating to the Service, regardless of the legal theory under which liability is asserted.



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