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Home 2015 Douglas County Emergency Telephone Authority Announces the Ability to Send Text message to 911

Douglas County Emergency Telephone Authority Announces the Ability to Send Text message to 911

The Douglas County Emergency Telephone Service Authority (DCETSA) is pleased to announce the ability to send a text message to 9-1-1 as an integrated service to our 9-1-1 network and 9-1-1 equipment. Thorough testing has been conducted and Text to 9-1-1 is live, for the public in Douglas and Elbert Counties.

Texting to 9-1-1 provides accessibility to the hearing and speech impaired population and provides an alternative to reach help in a dangerous situation when a voice call is not possible or where a voice call fails due to a high volume of phone activity but texting is successful.

DCETSA 9-1-1 is excited to enhance our public safety services and join other Colorado agencies such as Arapahoe, Jefferson, Broomfield, Larimer, Eagle, Pitkin, Mesa and Garfield Counties who are already providing this service.

How to text to 9-1-1 in an emergency:

  • Enter the numbers “911” in the “To” field.
  • The first text message to 9-1-1 should be brief and contain the location of the

emergency and type of help needed.

  • Push the “Send” button.
  • Be prepared to answer questions and follow instructions from the 9-1-1 call taker.
  • Text in simple words- do not use abbreviations.
  • Keep the text message brief and concise.

When to text to 9-1-1

  • If you are hearing impaired.
  • When a voice call could increase a threat.
  • If you are injured and cannot speak.
  • If you are in a remote location and can only send a text message.

Currently, the four major carriers; AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile and Verizon Wireless have agreed to offer the text to 9-1-1 service. However, this does not mean that the service is available in all areas. Should you be out of the area, for that Carrier, you will receive a message stating that the text service is not available and to call 9-1-1. Photos, videos and other attachments cannot currently be sent to 911 via text, although those capabilities will be available in the future.

DCETSA is the governing authority for the administration of 9-1-1 in Douglas County, Colorado. DCETSA 9-1-1 supports three (3) 9-1-1 centers in Douglas County; Douglas County Sheriff’s Office, Castle Rock Police Department, and joint communications of Lone Tree and Parker Police Departments, as well as the Castle Rock Fire Department, South Metro Fire Rescue, Littleton, West Douglas, Larkspur, Franktown, Jackson 105, Mountain Communities, North Fork and West Metro Fire Protection Districts.


Media Contacts:

Douglas County Sheriff’s Office            Ron Hanavan                               303-814-7089

Town of Castle Rock                               Karen Carter                                        303-660-1685

Parker Police                                            Andy Coleman                       303-805-6512

Lone Tree                                                 Kristen Knoll                 303-708-1818

Joint Release text 911


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