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Home 2024 Douglas County Deputy Testifies on Behalf of His K9 Partner

Douglas County Deputy Testifies on Behalf of His K9 Partner

So proud of Douglas County Sheriff’s Office Deputy Ian Austin. On Monday, he, along with five other agencies, testified in front of the State Senate Judiciary Committee on House Bill 24-1074 Aggravated Cruelty to Law Enforcement Animals. Thankfully, the bill passed and is headed to the next step in the process.
This bill would make Aggravated Cruelty to Law Enforcement Animals its own charge, separating it from the current Aggravated Animal Cruelty. The penalty will remain the same; it just recognizes that the Aggravated Animal Cruelty was against a law enforcement animal.
The role of K9 dogs in law enforcement cannot be overstated. Their exceptional abilities, unwavering loyalty, and dedication to duty make them indispensable assets in the fight against crime and in ensuring public safety. Thank you, Deputy Austin, and all the others who are fighting to make sure their four-legged partners are recognized as well. #HonorServiceValor #PoliceDogs Arapahoe County Sheriff’s Office Commerce City Police Department Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office El Paso County Sheriff’s Office – EPCSO MarathonK9 Academy

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