Search Neighborhood Crimes

You can learn about some of the crimes that have been reported in your neighborhood online.
DCSO uses a third-party vendor, LEXIS NEXIS – Community Crime Map, to provide maps of select crime categories.
The following types of crimes are specifically excluded from the information on the Community Crime Map website:
- sexual assaults
- crimes against at-risk
- juveniles or at-risk adults
- death investigations
- child abuse
- domestic violence
- stalking
- any case that has been administratively locked or judicially sealed.
LEXIS NEXIS – Community Crime Map compiles crime data using automated processes that are susceptible to error. No warranty is made or implied by any party regarding the accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of any data provided. The public is strongly cautioned not to rely upon this data for purposes of making any decisions, or taking or not taking any actions. By using RAIDS Online to view Douglas County Sheriff’s Office crime data, you expressly accept these terms of use.
How to use the Community Crime Map:
- Go to the website and enter an address (perhaps your own) to get started.
- Define what crimes you want to look at by checking the boxes next to the crime title.
- Define what time period you want to look at by selecting and starting and ending date.
- Define how much area around your address you want to include in your search.
- Click the “search” button and “icons” will appear on the map on your screen.
- If you want to know specifics about these reported crimes, click on the icon for more information.