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Home 2015 Bear Sightings in Douglas County

Bear Sightings in Douglas County

DSC_0410 Bear Enters Backyard

The Douglas County Sheriff’s Office has recently received reports of bear sightings in the areas of Larkspur, Castle Pines and Roxborough Village. In one case, a bear entered a home and caused damage to the inside of the house.

According to Colorado Parks and Wildlife, this is the time of year when bears are seeking food for their long winter nap.  It is likely we will see more bears sightings between now and October.

The following are a few tips to help keep bears from coming onto your property:

  • Do not feed bears or leave food out for bears.
  • Do not leave trash outside overnight unless it is in a bear proof container.
  • Keep your garage door closed.
  • Do not leave food in your car.
  • Keep all lower level windows and doors tightly shut.

Bears can smell odors up to five miles away so keeping odors down or concealed is a benefit.

A large portion of Douglas County is a rural environment and is inhabited by bears.

For more information on bears in Colorado or for more safety tips, please visit the Colorado Parks and Wildlife website at:

Deputy Chad Teller, Public Information Officer, 303-660-7510


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