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Home 2023 Animal Law Enforcement Officers Rescue Six Horses

Animal Law Enforcement Officers Rescue Six Horses

Last week, Douglas County Sheriff’s deputies and Animal Law Enforcement officers responded to an anonymous animal abuse complaint in the 12300 block of Piney Lake Road in Parker.
During the investigation, officers observed several horses on the property that were malnourished, and they documented that the animals’ rib cages and hip bones were protruding from their bodies. The barn floor had a large amount of feces and flies, there were stalls with standing urine, and many of the horses did not have access to food or water. One horse suffered from an open laceration on its neck that needed immediate medical attention.
The next day, members from the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office and Animal Law Enforcement Services seized six horses and relocated them to an equine rehabilitation facility. The homeowner/animal caregiver, Jose Covelo, DOB 10/15/53, was served with a summons for misdemeanor animal cruelty.

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