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Home 2015 Trespasses to vehicles are DOWN 28%!

Trespasses to vehicles are DOWN 28%!

Trespasses to vehicles are DOWN 28%! Let’s keep this trend going and don’t create a Crime of Opportunity. Thieves like to hit vehicles when they know the owners will be gone for a while:  park and trailheads, movie theatres, and mass transit parking lots are prime locations.

Here are some tips and reminders to limit crimes of opportunity:

  • Limit personal items left in your vehicle and keep them out of sight
  • Place bags, purses, and other valuables in the trunk PRIOR to getting to your destination. You never know who is watching
  • Never leave a convertible top down
  • Never leave car windows open or doors unlocked

Other preventative options:

  • Invest in a hitch safe or car safe

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