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Home Vehicles and Traffic Aggressive and Drunk Drivers

Douglas County, Colorado Aggressive and Drunk Drivers

Douglas County, Colorado includes the areas of the City of Castle Pines, Franktown, Highlands Ranch, Grandview Estates, Town of Larkspur, Louviers, Parker Heights, Parker North, Perry Park, Perry Pines, Pinery, Pradera, Roxborough, Sedalia, Sterling Ranch, and Stonegate.

If you want to make a general complaint about bad drivers, please visit traffic complaints.

If you want to file an official report about an aggressive driver that is not actively occurring, call our dispatch non-emergency number at 303-660-7500.  You will need to provide the following information:

  • vehicle’s license plate number
  • description of the driver
  • where and when it happened
  • your contact information.

It is possible for a deputy to write an aggressive driver a ticket based upon your observations. Note that you will be required to testify against the driver in court.

People who drive aggressively face stiffer penalties than other bad drivers under a county ordinance.

What is aggressive driving?

  • Following too closely
  • Not staying inside one traffic lane
  • Weaving in and out of traffic (Unsafe Lane Changes)
  • Illegal or Unsafe Passing
  • Speeding up to beat a signal light
  • Using the horn excessively and / or inappropriately
  • Flashing headlights excessively
  • Racing
  • “Brake Checking”
  • Passing traffic and then slowing down to ‘teach the other driver a lesson’
  • Two or more of the following violations occurring in single act or series of acts in close proximity to another motor vehicle
    • Speeding
    • Following Too Closely
    • Failure to Obey a Traffic Control Device
    • Passing on the Shoulder
    • Failure to Signal
    • Failure to Yield the Right of Way
    • Unsafe Lane Changes

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