Douglas County Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC)

The passage of Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) and the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) in 1986 provided national legislation for enhanced community safety and information regarding hazardous materials at the local level.
Facilities which produce, use and/or store hazardous materials must report their general hazard types and locations of these reportable substances. Tier II Reports are due to state and local officials each year, by March 1st for reporting for the previous year. In addition to the State (CDPHE) and Fire District submission, Douglas County requires a separate Tier II Report submission in PDF format. Please submit these to
Each County in Colorado is required to organize and facilitate a Local Emergency Planning Committee and encourages representation from many disciplines, including:
- Law Enforcement
- Fire Districts/Departments
- Public Health, Environmental, Hospital and Transportation Representatives
- Media
- Elected Officials
- Community Members and Groups
- Representatives from Facilities that are Subject to the Emergency Planning Requirements of SARA Title III/EPCRA
The primary responsibility of the LEPC, through stakeholder participation, is to develop an emergency response plan that is reviewed annually. For plan information, please contact
The LEPC meets quarterly in close collaboration with the Arapahoe County LEPC. To enhance the effectiveness of our LEPC, we welcome your participation. To be placed on the distribution list for general information and for the meeting schedule, please make your request at
For additional information regarding Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA), please go to