Interested in giving back to your community? Do you have a passion for working with those impacted by trauma? Do you want to help victims get their voice back? Then, we invite you to consider volunteering with our Victim Assistance Unit.
Our Advocates respond to major crimes and unexpected deaths to help victims and/or their family members begin to pick up the pieces by providing emotional support, information, and resources/referrals. Advocates are also liaisons between the victim and the Sheriff’s Office for what can be a new and stressful journey. Volunteer Advocates work alongside staff who are just as passionate about supporting victims and their families.
This is what one of our volunteers has to say:
“My name is Juli, and I have lived in Douglas County for 27 years. I have been a Victim Advocate for the past 8 years. Being a Victim Advocate for the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office allows me the opportunity to give back to my community while serving the people who live here. I always feel it is an honor and a privilege to be in a family’s presence during these initial moments of disbelief, fear, and helplessness. It always seems there is a moment when things become calm, and you sense everything will be OK with time. I leave hoping I touched their life as meaningfully as they touch mine.”
If you are interested in joining our team, please give us a call at 303-660-7535. We will schedule a time to meet with you regarding this opportunity and determine together if this role is right for you.