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Home 2019 County Sheriffs of Colorado Mourn the loss of Lobbyist Peg Ackerman

County Sheriffs of Colorado Mourn the loss of Lobbyist Peg Ackerman

The County Sheriffs of Colorado are deeply saddened by Peg Ackerman’s loss in her brave battle against cancer on Friday, November 15, 2019.

Peg was a champion advocate for CSOC.  She spent over 30 years as CSOC’s lobbyist and was considered a force to be reckoned with at the Capitol for her in-depth knowledge and well-reasoned advocacy for Sheriffs.  In addition to Peg’s committed work for CSOC, she was a former chemist and a pioneer for women working in science, fighting for equal rights, and tirelessly worked to improve the lives of future generations.  Peg Ackerman’s passionate legacy will forever be remembered and treasured by the County Sheriffs of Colorado.

Our condolences to Peg’s family and our heartfelt thanks for allowing us to share in her life.

