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Home 2016 Collaborative Program For Reintegration

Collaborative Program For Reintegration

NARRATIVE: DOUGLAS COUNTY, CO – In 2015, the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office Detentions Division, along with the Douglas County Department of Human Services and Douglas County Community Justice Services, embarked on a collaborative effort to address the recidivism rate of individuals with substance abuse, mental illness, temporary homelessness and lack of employment. Each agency recognized the continued high utilization of county resources from this population. Understanding the limited availability of community resources, a plan was outlined to address the needs of this population based on each department’s abilities and current department resources. From this the Collaborative Program for Reintegration was created.

The reintegration program has expanded the collaboration to include the 18th Judicial District Public Defenders Office, Probation, Douglas County Community Of Care Network (DC Cares), AD Works!, and AllHealth Network. The reintegration program is a collaborative effort to provide inmates with tools that will assist them in overcoming the barriers that inmates face upon their release from jail. The group meets weekly to discuss the needs of individuals, the options that are available and the best way to obtain them.

Through the groups collaboration, valuable partnerships have been formed with available community resources such as the Douglas/Elbert Task Force, Salvation Army, Goodwill Industries, Belay Industries, and Volunteers of America.

In 2015, 542 inmates reached out to the reintegration program requesting assistance with resources upon release. 20% of inmates requested mental health services, 32% requested intensive substance abuse treatment (inpatient and outpatient), 16% requested transportation assistance,13% requested employment assistance and 4% did not have any form of identification available to them.

In 2016 the group partnered with the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office Classifications Division to assist in identifying individuals within the first 72 hours of custody who suffer from substance abuse and mental illness. This process has enabled the reintegration program to contact inmates early on and start the process of identifying needs. In the first quarter of 2016, 276 inmates were involved in the reintegration program. We provided assistance and/or resources in the following areas: employment, substance abuse treatment, mental health services, housing/shelter, Medicaid, food assistance, education, identification, transportation, medication assistance and clothing assistance.

After an inmate requests assistance and expresses interest in the reintegration program the inmate is then given directives and tasks that he or she must complete. As the inmate completes the tasks, which differ from each inmate, the inmate is working through the reintegration program. The program is designed to help the inmate but it is ultimately the responsibility of the inmate to work through the program to accomplish the best results possible.

This Friday, May 27, 2016, the partners of the reintegration program will announce the graduation of its first graduate. This graduate has been in the custody of the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office eight times, she was a heroin addict and single mom who lost custody of her 2 year old child. Through the reintegration program and her efforts to improve herself, she has regained custody of her child, she earned her GED while in custody, she’s obtained a job and a place to live, and was also provided a vehicle for transportation.


Disposition Location:

Douglas County Courts- Division 3

4000 Justice Way

Castle Rock, CO 80109

No camera’s allowed in court room

Disposition Time: 2:00 p.m.

Graduation Location:

Douglas County Justice Center- Jury Assembly Room

4000 Justice Way

Castle Rock, CO 80109

Graduation Time: 2:30 p.m.


