Animal Services

Dogs and cats. Horses and cattle. Roosters, hens, and more. They’re at home in over half of the households in Douglas County.
So we take their protection very seriously. We want to make sure all are treated with care every day and in disasters. We have information on the Laws in unincorporated Douglas County, including licensing, vaccinations, and pet identification.
If your dog gets out of the yard, there’s a good chance we’ll find him. And because we know how much they love to slip the leash, we’ve created off-leash parks where they can safely do just that.
Since we also share our county with wildlife, we look out for them, too. The chance of seeing a deer or elk is one of the reasons many of us love it here, so we have programs to protect them from traffic and poaching.
For more information on pet care and animal behavior resources please visit: