Text 911 in an emergency: Enter the numbers “911” in the “To” field. The message to 911 should be brief and contain the location of the emergency and type of help needed. Push the “Send” button. Text in simple words-do not use abbreviations.
Main Number/Non-Emergency: 303.660.7505
Toll-Free: 800.654.2733
Email: dcso@dcsheriff.net
4000 Justice Way, Castle Rock, CO 80109
Main Number: 303.660.7505
Toll-Free: 800.654.2733
Email: dcso@dcsheriff.net
9250 Zotos Drive, Highlands Ranch, CO 80129
Monday – Friday
8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Concealed Carry Permit/Renewals:
Tues, Wed, & Thurs
9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
The Douglas County Sheriff's Office is currently hiring and we want you to join our team!
Do you use private video surveillance at your home or business that records videos? You can help solve crimes by letting DCSO know.
You want to help. But where do you start? You may not even know where they are. Foremost, know that we’re committed to treating inmates with dignity and respect.
Main Number: 303.660.7559
Main Number: 303.660.7550
Main Number: 972.734.1111
Write to an Inmate:
Inmate Name and Number
Douglas County, CO C/O Securus DMC
PO Box 21768
Tampa, FL 33622
Online via:
Telephone Number:
View More Information on Inmate Bonding.
Deposit Funds Online via:
Deposit Funds via Telephone:
View More Information on Inmate Commissary.
Text 911 in an emergency: Enter the numbers “911” in the “To” field. The message to 911 should be brief and contain the location of the emergency and type of help needed. Push the “Send” button. Text in simple words-do not use abbreviations.
Main Number/Non-Emergency: 303.660.7505
Toll-Free: 800.654.2733
Email: dcso@dcsheriff.net
4000 Justice Way, Castle Rock, CO 80109
Main Number: 303.660.7505
Toll-Free: 800.654.2733
Email: dcso@dcsheriff.net
9250 Zotos Drive, Highlands Ranch, CO 80129
Monday – Friday
8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Concealed Carry Permit/Renewals:
Tues, Wed, & Thurs
9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
The Douglas County Sheriff's Office is currently hiring and we want you to join our team!
Do you use private video surveillance at your home or business that records videos? You can help solve crimes by letting DCSO know.
You want to help. But where do you start? You may not even know where they are. Foremost, know that we’re committed to treating inmates with dignity and respect.
Main Number: 303.660.7559
Main Number: 303.660.7550
Main Number: 972.734.1111
Write to an Inmate:
Inmate Name and Number
Douglas County, CO C/O Securus DMC
PO Box 21768
Tampa, FL 33622
Online via:
Telephone Number:
View More Information on Inmate Bonding.
Deposit Funds Online via:
Deposit Funds via Telephone:
View More Information on Inmate Commissary.
Sheriff Spurlock is pleased to announce the launch of the Office’s new hiring/recruitment website. The website, www.joindcso.com, was created to assist those looking for a career with the Douglas
We need the public’s help locating Double Homicide suspect, Casey Michael Devol, age 29. He is described as a white male, 5’10”, 235lbs. The Douglas County Sheriff’s Office is actively
NARRATIVE: DOUGLAS COUNTY, CO – As of February 4, 2022, Sheriff Spurlock has suspended fire restrictions for Douglas County. Even without restrictions, citizens are still encouraged to be cautious and
With safety as our top priority, due to severe winter weather, all Douglas County government offices are on a two-hour delayed schedule on Wednesday, Feb. 2. Many County services remain
Do you live in Douglas County? If so, we need your help. Your opinion matters. Please help us by taking this very short anonymous survey https://elucd.typeform.com/dcsheriff The results will assist
NARRATIVE: DOUGLAS COUNTY, CO – On January 21, 2022, at around 2:00 am, deputies were called to a house on the 7000 block of Lionshead Parkway in the Wildcat Ridge
In order to streamline the process when a citizen calls the Sheriff Office, we have developed a new system to route the caller to the intended area more efficiently. As
NARRATIVE: DOUGLAS COUNTY, CO – An Aurora man was taken into custody yesterday in connection with a reported “carjacking” that occurred on December 28, 2021, in unincorporated Douglas County.
NARRATIVE: DOUGLAS COUNTY, CO – By order of Sheriff Tony Spurlock, Stage 1 fire restrictions are now in place. Ordinance No. O-012-004 restricts open fires, open burning and the use
In observance of the Christmas holiday, all Douglas County government offices and the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office administrative offices will be closing at noon Friday, Dec. 24, and will be
DOUGLAS COUNTY, CO. – On Thursday, December 9, Douglas County Sheriff’s Office Detective Joe Pollack died from COVID. His death is considered a line of duty death and the memorial
We are saddened by the loss of DCSO Detective Joe Pollack, badge number 0214, who died early this morning from complications due to COVID. Det. Pollack spent 20 years with
NARRATIVE: DOUGLAS COUNTY, CO – On December 9, 2021, at around 3:30 A.M., Douglas County Sheriff’s Office deputies observed a stolen pickup in the area of Highway 85 (Santa Fe
On September 28th, 2020, Douglas County deputies were dispatched to a local hospital concerning a call regarding a woman that had been brought in for a medical emergency and had
Sheriff Spurlock is very excited to announce that Mike McIntosh has joined the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office as one of his Chief Deputies. Chief Deputy McIntosh served in the United
In this joint public service announcement, the Board of Douglas County Commissioners and the Douglas County Sheriff voice concern about the passage of Senate Bill 62 and encourage opposition